All the beers you didn't get to see me drink. Sorry. |
Fortunately, there's good news on the horizon! It's March Break, so the endless stream of work and no sleep has finally abated. The weather is improving greatly, giving real promise to the idea of patio drinking this very week! Finally, I only have two more weeks of practicum, after which things really level off. Come the end of April, I am (almost completely) free! I still have work to do, but it will be stuff I can do at home, meaning more beerventures to be had. There's even a distinct possibility that I might be returning to my favourite beer store in Orlando this April - keep your fingers crossed! The thought of a spring and summer full of wonderful brews with terrific people is what's keeping me going - just over a month to go!
With an extra day off, I ventured into the LCBO to reacquaint myself with an old friend. Low and behold, more or less the exact same lineup awaited me upon my return, but with a few noticeable new entries that filled my tired heart with excitement: a veritable smorgasbord of well-hopped and well-alcoholized India Pale Ales awaited me, from three fantastic breweries no less! We have a double-bill of Double IPAs from BC's Tree Brewing and the always exciting Southern Tier, as well as some local flavour in the form of Ontario's own Beaver River IPeh from Beau's! It's been a long-time coming folks, let's get back to business!
Aren't they lovely, folks? |
Let's start with the Canadian entry, Tree Brewing's Hop Head Double IPA!
Beer: Hop Head Double India Pale Ale
Brewery: Tree Brewing (Kelowna, BC)
Type: Double IPA
ABV: 8.3%
650mL bomber from the LCBO. Enjoyed their earthy Hop Head IPA last time around, so I was excited to see this - and more Canadian bombers in general - available on the shelves.
Poured into a nonic. Nice hazy orange-amber brew, with a half-inch of foam that recedes into a generous ring. Patchy lacing. Good looking DIPA.
Nose is citrus and earthy hops, biscuit, candied orange. This is a quality Double IPA and a great example of where the extra malt doesn't overpower the hop bitterness. Hop heads out there will not feel disappointed with the bitterness of this brew. Earthy, citrus, nice marmalade flavor as well. Solid DIPA, I really enjoyed this. Full bodied, slightly creamy, good carbonation.
Second brew from Tree was a fine example of the DIPA style that, thanks to its solid hop presence is definitely a brew to my liking. Will be back for another bottle or two! (Grade: B+)
Let's keep going with the Canuck entries, but bring it down to the standard IPA level for the sake of my liver. Here's the spring seasonal from Beau's of eastern Ontario!
Beer: Beaver River IPeh?
Brewery: Beau's All Natural Brewing Co. (Vankleek Hill, ON)
Type: American IPA*
ABV: 5.5%
Single bottle from the old LCBO, packaged on Feb 15th. I vaguely remember having this on cask in Toronto, but I was in no condition to remember details, so it's great to see this again. Poured into a nonic. Deep amber-copper, nice billowing head that settles to a sturdy thin layer, with frosty lacing. Fine lookin' brew.
Nose is a bit funky, but it's got a nice woodsy character to it, with fruit, cracker and citrus. Tastes like a fine earthy IPA, certainly more towards the English style, but I tend to like when the two styles of IPA are blended together into something new. The citrus tartness really gives this brew a lot of bite, but the malt profile allows Beaver River to be enjoyed - possibly even sessioned, given the lower ABV. Finish is pepper-citrus, long and lingering. Medium bodied, nice carbonation.
An enjoyable IPA, certainly worth purchasing. I know it's a seasonal, but I hope that they will bring this brew into regular rotation. (Grade: B+)
Two great offerings from the Canadians - how will the Yanks fare?
Beer: Unearthly Imperial IPA
Brewery: Southern Tier (Lakewood, New York)
Type: Double IPA
ABV: 9.5%
Poured into a tulip glass. Slightly hazy amber-peach in colour, with a half inch of head that recedes into a thick ring. Some icicles of lacing.
Nose is biscuit, citrussy hops, orange, mango, a bit of earthy quality as well, and a slight booze wafting in the background.
Took me a few sips to get this brew figured out. The malt profile in this is quite something, almost overpowers the hops with its malty, biscuity goodness. I'm starting to find this to be characteristic of ST brews. Another example of where the line between DIPA and American Barleywine blurs, in my opinion. The hops are there, of course, and are more fruity than tart and juicy. The malt gives the fruit flavor an almost 'candied' quality - very intriguing. Finishes earthy, as per the name.
Full bodied, mild carbonation. Sweet - the earthy hop bitterness does not linger.
Interesting DIPA - I have to say I'm digging it, and I might pick up another bottle just to age. Packs a quiet wallop. As I'm finding, the maltiness of a DIPA such as this tends to overtake the hops that my tastebuds were expecting. So, if I'm in the mood for a DIPA or Barleywine, this brew would probably satisfy both urges sufficiently. Price tag is typical for ST in Ontario.
Lots of hop options available around this time of year. As the wind continues to bite at you, you'll have some brews that can bite right back. Solid offerings all, each worth trying before they disappear from the shelves. And hey, they all have green labels, so you're covered in terms of St. Patrick's Day wear. Just smear yourself in four or five bottles of these brews and you'll be all set.
Great to be back! Keep your eyes open for more posts in the near future!