Type: Milk Stout
ABV: 6.7%
Christmas is a mere two weeks away, and for once in my adult life I am actually ahead of the game when it comes to present shopping. Amazing, I know. A few cards in the mail, and some cookie making to do, and I'll be free and clear to spend the yuletide season in a pleasant, carefree drunken stupor. Actually, that's not quite true; I still have some Christmas shopping to do, but for a very important person indeed - me. Got me some Christmas money and I gots to spend it. Fortunately, there's lots of brews out and about that I've been meaning to try - including a Norwegian brewery release that will be the feature of a future entry - so I know that money will be well spent. As it happened, however, I was out in the Guelph area today and passed by the Wellington Brewery. It's been a while since I've stuck my head in there, and I've been craving some of their Imperial Russian Stout to have on hand, so I made a quick stop. Good timing, because it so happens that another one of their "One-Off" series is now available in cans, and only at the brewery. So I spent a bit of Christmas money and picked up a few. Actually, I would have spent the money anyway, but 'tis the season for justifying excessive spending in the name of good cheer, and I can think of no greater cheer than a fresh brewed craft beer.
Holy shit, that's an amazing slogan. Better copyright that shit right now. "I can think of no greater cheer, than a fresh brewed craft beer." Much better.
Now then. Anyways, the beer that Welly has put out is in line with the holiday season, a chocolate cream stout that features "peruvian cocoa powder, lactose, and a touch of flaked oats." A bit of confusion with the name, as befits a new brew: on the website, the brew is listed as "Chocolate Milk Stout", but the can I picked up had the wonderful name of "Morning Brew: Coffee Cream Stout." My default is to go with what's on the can, rather than the website, and after drinking this brew, having coffee in the name is absolutely essential. So, with that in mind, let's dive right in to Wellington's Morning Brew: Coffee Cream Stout!
Poured into a nonic glass. I should have brought out the good Welly 25th anniversary glass, but it's already in the basement and it involves several stairs I'm not interested in committing to. Coffee black, with a hint of chestnut around the edges. Good half inch of off-mocha head, nice retention, lots of sticky lace.
Nose is unmistakably sweet cold coffee, very bold, and with a bit of that lactose creeping through. I'm also getting hazelnut, and yet more espresso coffee. Very nice.
Tastes similar to what was in the nose. Quite tasty, actually, if you don't mind the sweetness. But then again, if you're looking for a beer that isn't too sweet, and you go for the one with "cream" in the name that contains lactose, you're gonna have a bad time.
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