I am now done with school for the summer, and the local kids are out raising all kinds of hell around the neighborhood. The dominance of the Spanish national football team continues unabated, and the woeful display of the English team in the quarterfinal amused us all. The garden is progressing nicely, and the air conditioning in my room continues to function as promised. The weather has been so hot and sunny recently, I decided to celebrate with some new brews, and fortunately my timing was excellent, as the LCBO has recently shipped out the first round of their Summer Release lineup (the full list of the lineup can be found here). Not a bad looking release, but I have to say I think the number of weizen beers is awfully high, and it seems as though ginger is the flavour of the season - if you don't happen to be fond of either, you're pretty shit outta luck. Fortunately for me, I happen to be fond of both, so I'll do alright. A few repeats from other seasons - including, yet again, Great Lakes Orange Peel Ale for some reason - but there are some interesting brews to be had, and we at the Den are privileged to give you an overview!
L-R: Weihenstephaner Kristallweissbier, Phillips Ginger Beer Schneider Nelson Sauvin Weizenbock, Thornbridge Kipling Pale Ale, and Birrificio del Ducato's New Morning Farmhouse Ale. |

The brew that is part of the summer release is called a kristalweizen, which as you might be able to deduce from the name is a wheat beer that is kristal clear, unlike its unfiltered and thus hazy brother the hefeweizen. Kristalweizens are designed as they are to reduce the yeast character of the brew for folks who would prefer it removed, as well as for simple aesthetics. Since the development of the pilsner lager in 1842 and the development of inexpensive, mass produced clear glassware that occurred in the mid 19th-century, people have become more and more accustomed to seeing clear, unfiltered golden brews, rather than the murky ale concoctions that once graced the earthenware mugs and steins of old. It's been an uphill battle for craft and traditional brewers of unfiltered beer to explain to contemporary customers that the beer is supposed to be hazy and murky, rather than it being a sign that something is wrong. I actually had a customer at my former bar of employment attempt to return a pint of Mill Street Belgian Wit because she claimed it was murky and smelled like yeast. I tried explaining that the brew was designed that way, but realized it was a losing battle and quickly gave her a pilsner. Sometimes it just isn't worth it.
Beer: Weihenstephaner Kristallweissbier
Type: Kristalweizen
ABV: 5.4%
Bright golden in colour, clear as kristal, and with a fluffy billowing head that somewhat quickly dissolved into a fine ring. Some lacing, a bit more is produced when the glass is agitated somewhat. Clearly, those big billowing weizenbier heads are not going to be the defining characteristic of this particular kristalweizen.
The nose is more in line with what we are used to: banana, clove, wheat malt, herbal and spicy hops, but of course very little of that yeast flavor one often sees in other wheat beers. Very pleasant.
Taste is quite similar to the nose. Weihenstephaner's hefeweizen is among the top of its class, and the kristal is very much a milder, easier drinking (if that were possible) version of that classic brew. An enjoyable brew: light and refreshing, softer and crisper than its cloudy cousin. Banana and clove are present here, hops are more herbal than bittering. Soft feel, mild carbonation, thinner bodied than the hefe. Ludicrously easy to drink.
I still prefer the classic hefeweizen, but this is still one enjoyable brew. I've never understood the reason behind kristallweizens, but after drinking this one I can certainly understand the appeal. I'll certainly be back for more of these as the summer moves along. (Grade: A-)

But in recent years there has been some exciting developments in the Italian craft brewing scene, with a few select brewers producing ales and stouts with real flavour and complexity. With brewing technology and equipment being so readily available, I'm not surprised that a few Italians wouldn't take up the craft. And it looks like one of these brews made it overseas as part of this release. This brew is called Nuova Mattinna, and has been helpfully translated on the bottle to "New Morning". And it is a new dawn indeed for Italian brewing, and based on this brew alone, I think they are heading in the right direction!
Brewery: Birrificio Del Ducato (Roncole Verdi, Parma, Italy)
Type: Belgian Saison/Farmhouse Ale
ABV: 5.9%
This is a farmhouse/saison beer, a style that lends itself fairly well to summer drinking. Light, funky, and usually with spice and light citrus hops and a bit of yeast as they tend to be unfiltered.
Poured into my trusty Duvel tulip. A deep amber-orange brew, considerably darker than other saisons I've had recently. A billowing head of foam is the result of the pour, and it lingers in the form of a substantial ring that some nice lacing patches. The head looks very Belgian (if that makes any sense), as it sits in heaps and piles on top of the beer, giving the brew a wild, untamed character. I've noticed this with Belgian yeast and I assume there's a scientific reason behind it. Or I'm seeing things.
The nose is classic saison, but with a twist - a lemon twist, that is. Soft wheat and barley malt, musk, a touch of yeast, clove, leafy hops. Very pleasant.
Spicy and yeasty (although not overly so), with an assertive blast of lemon zest to open things off, while finishing with leafy hops and a touch of spice. The carbonation is initially quite vigorous, but it tapers off - almost too much so. Nice, refreshing brew, and certainly appropriate for the heat of the season. It's quite exciting to find a brew from Italy that doesn't fit the pale lager mold, and it is also exciting to see that the brew was well worth the wait. Hopefully this heralds a new morning for Italian craft brewing! (Grade: B+)
Beer: Mein Nelson Sauvin
Brewery: G. Schneider and Sohn (Kelheim, Germany)
Type: Weizenbock
ABV: 7.3%
Enjoyed this brew while watching the Germany-Netherlands match, which to no one's surprise was an absolute disaster for the Dutch. Poured into my awesome Erdinger World Cup 2010 class with the football topper. (I would have consumed it out of a Schneider Euro 2012 glass, but funny thing - doesn't exist!) Deep golden in colour, slightly murky, and with a big fluffy head that receded into a thin ring. The yeast is nicely contained in the bottle, sticking firmly to the bottom, which hopefully will prevent the yeast from taking over the brew's taste. Clearly, the kristallweizen is rubbing off on me.
The nose is quite pleasant, and I can certainly see the influence of the Sauvin hops immediately. In addition to the traditional wheat notes of banana, bubblegum, subtle clove and other spices, there is also some white wine, orange, and tropical fruit as well. Works pretty well, I have to say.
The traditional weizenbock flavors are all here, and there are certainly those subtle notes of tropical fruit and white wine, but unfortunately they aren't nearly as potent as I would have liked for a brew that really pushes the addition of these hops. Perhaps a traditional hefe would have been better, or maybe a kristal, in order to showcase the new flavours, because the heft of the weizenbock tends to overpower. The mouthfeel of the weizenbock is a bit much here, and the carbonation is milder than I would have liked.
An intriguing effort, and certainly enjoyable, though I really wonder if a different style of wheat beer would have been a better combination with the NZ hops. It just felt too heavy, rather than light, tropical and refreshing as I had anticipated. And, for the price tag (around nine bucks), I'll probably just get the one. (Grade: B)
But now on to the beer!
Beer: Thornbridge Kipling South Pacific Pale Ale
Brewery: Thornbridge (Derbyshire, England)
Type: English Pale Ale
ABV: 5.2%
Thornbridge is something I've been looking forward to for some time: a new English brewery that produces exciting, well-crafted beers. Founded in 2005, Thornbridge has bucked English footballing tradition and has actually won a boatload of international awards for its craft ales, and has done so with an interesting connection to English history. Their first brew I encountered, Jaipur IPA, is a nod to the British experience in India (random colonialism fact: the whole city of Jaipur was painted pink for some reason when the Prince of Wales visited in 1876), and was damned delicious. This next brew is named in honour of the English poet Rudyard Kipling, author of Gunga Din, Kim, The Jungle Book, and the unfortunate paean of colonialism "The White Man's Burden." For this reason, maybe Kipling is not the best choice of name for a brew. Even if we take the controversial legacy of Kipling out of the picture, what does Kipling have to do with the British in New Zealand? (Cook or Darwin, perhaps?). No matter, on to the brew, which also utilizes these Sauvin hops to give it that "South Pacific" feel.
Poured into a nonic. Nice bright golden in colour, with a nice fluffy head that dissolves into a sticky ring. Some flecks of lacing.
The nose is a delectable tropical fruit treat, with mango, grapefruit, tangerine, orange and white wine jumping out of the glass. Some bittering hops and bread as well.
Ah, here we go! Same tasting notes as in the nose, but with the potency that they deserve. Loving the mango and grapefruit blast here - really digging these NZ hops! Not to worry about the brew becoming overpowered with fresh fruit, as there is also a decent leafy bitterness keeping everything in balance. Lighter bodied, moderate carbonation, slightly oily.
It was all I could do to drink this beer at the pace to grant it the consideration and contemplation it deserves, because it was so tasty it disappeared in just a few minutes. Really impressive stuff, and a great showcase of the hops. Though the name might not be the brew's best feature, it is certainly a brew worthy of repeat purchase. Well done, Thornbridge! (Grade: A-)
As per the other brews on the release, here's a quick rundown. I haven't had a chance to get to all of them yet, and it's doubtful I will, since they often don't get to every LCBO in equal numbers, and many of them are repeats from other years.
Shipyard Smashed Blueberry (Fruit/Spiced Ale. 9%) Shipyard is a Maine brewery that I've only encountered once before, in the form of a very dry Irish shout called "Blue Fin Stout". Not my cuppa tea, but I'm always up for something new. And this brew was really worth it, because in terms of flavored beers, this one was a real winner for me. The stout base was thick, rich and loaded with chocolate, and the blueberries managed to compliment the brew nicely without overpowering or tasting artificial. Potent stuff, might be worth simply sharing.
Punk IPA (American IPA, 6.2%) One of very few BrewDog products to make their way to Ontario, Punk IPA is back - in canned form this time (330mL). Tropical fruit and West Coast hops are there, but the brew is drier and more peppery than I remember. Still worth a go.
Happy Summer Drinking everyone!
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